320 Paddys River Road

Paddys River Australian Capital Territory 2620

🛏️ - 🛁 - 🚗 -

School Zones

Catchment zones are typically established for primary, junior high, and senior high schools. Some schools may be strict about which students are eligible to attend.

Move the slider below to see the school zones for different year levels.

Flood Risk

Flood risk corresponds to the likelihood that the property will be affected by flooding from a variety of sources. Darker shades of blue indicate higher likelihood and risk of flooding.

Source data does not indicate any flood risk. Please make further enquiries.

Street Frontage & Lot Dimensions

Street frontage refers to the length of a property that faces one or more streets (in metres). The map also displays the length of each side of the lot (in meters).

  • Street Frontages
  • Paddys River Road 5738.2m
  • Laurel Camp Road 2037.1m


Countours are a visual representation of a property's elevation above sea level. Note that contour data is collected from a variety of sources, and as such varies in resolution and quality.

Development Zoning

Development zonings specify and restrict what development options owners have with a property.



Bushfire Overlays

This overlay identifies areas that may be at risk of being affected by a bushfire, and appropriate measures should be taken to prepare for and mitigate the potential impact of a bushfire. This risk is shown in 3 levels high (red), medium (orange) & potential (yellow).

Landscape Fire Management Zone

ACT Government Strategic Fire Advantage Zone

Agricultural Strategic Fire Advantage Zone

Bushfire Zone

Character Overlays

This overlay identifies areas that may be protected by character restrictions. This may include measures such as restrictions on changes to the exterior of the building and requirements for maintaining the historical character of the building.

Heritage - Aboriginal Rock Shelters

Heritage - Aboriginal Places - Grinding Grooves in the ACT

Heritage - TNR04

Heritage - TNR12

Heritage - Aboriginal Places on fire trails and in the Koala Enclosure at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Heritage - Aboriginal Places on Firetrails and Containment Lines in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and Birrigai

Heritage - KF ST 1

Heritage - TNR28

Heritage - Aboriginal Places along the Gungahlin Drive Extension and in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Heritage - TNR01

Heritage - TNR03

Heritage - TNR36

Heritage - TNR05

Heritage - TNR09

Heritage - TNR20

Heritage - TNR21

Heritage - TNR26

Heritage - TNR29

Heritage - TNR32

Heritage - TNR34

Heritage - TNR37

Heritage - TNR46

Heritage - TNR51

Heritage - Aboriginal Place in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Heritage - TNR49

Heritage - TNR54

Heritage - Wallaby Rocks

Heritage - TNR43

Heritage - Tidbinbilla 2

Heritage - TNR13

Heritage - Bogong Shelters and Cave

Heritage - Congwarra

Heritage - Lizards Tongue Rock

Heritage - TNR40

Heritage - Hanging Rock Shelter

Heritage - TNR22

Heritage - Aboriginal Places - Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and Birrigai

Heritage - Aboriginal Places in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Heritage - Aboriginal Scarred Trees across the ACT

Heritage - TNR10

Heritage - TNR11

Heritage - TNR23

Heritage - TNR18

Heritage - TNR30

Heritage - TNR35

Heritage - TNR42

Heritage - TNR44

Heritage - Round Boulder

Heritage - TNR41

Heritage - TNR19

Heritage - TNR08

Heritage - Tidbinbilla skeletal find

Heritage - TNR45

Heritage - TNR48

Heritage - Scribbly Gum 1

Heritage - TNR52 (Black Flats)

Heritage - Birrigai Rock Shelter

Heritage - TNR16

Heritage - TNR02

Heritage - KFS 1

Heritage - TNR25

Heritage - TNR27

Heritage - TNR07

Heritage - TNR33

Heritage - TNR50

Heritage - TNR17

Heritage - TNR31

Heritage - TNR53 (Greens Picnic Area)

Heritage - TNR06

Heritage - BR 1

Heritage - FG2

Heritage - TNR38

Heritage - KFS 3

Heritage - Tidbinbilla River 1

Heritage - TNR47

Heritage - TNR39

Heritage - KF AS 1

Heritage - TNR15

Heritage - Bogong Moth (Agrostis infusa) rock shelter aestivation sites

Heritage - Tidbinbilla 1

Environmental Overlays

This overlay identifies areas of ecological significance, which may be subject to certain protections or regulations. It is important for property owners and occupants to be aware of these regulations and take appropriate measures to protect the biodiversity of the area.

Very Low Salinity Hazard

Threatened Fauna Habitat - Smoky Mouse

Threatened Plants - Murrumbidgee Bossiaea

Threatened Aquatic Habitat - Macquarie Perch

Rare Protected Plants - ACT Ferns

Rare Protected Plants - King Fern

Rare Protected Plants - Rare Plant

Potential Threatened Woodland - Potential Yellow Box–Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland

Low Salinity Hazard

Rare Protected Plants - Drooping Sheoak

Threatened Fauna Habitat - Rosenberg's Monitor

Threatened Fauna Habitat - Greater Glider

Coastal Overlays

The coastal hazard overlay is a set of regulations that identifies areas where there is a risk of coastal hazards, such as coastal erosion and storm-tide inundation.

Source data does not indicate any coastal overlays. Please make further enquiries.

Landslide Overlays

This overlay identifies areas where there is a risk of landslides or the land has a steep slope overlay. It is important for property owners and occupants to be aware of this risk and take appropriate measures to prepare for and mitigate the potential impact of a landslide.

Future Erosion Risk (Best Case) - Very low erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Consensus) - Very low erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Consensus) - Low erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Consensus) - Moderate erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Consensus) - High erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Consensus) - Very high erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Best Case) - Moderate erosion risk

Current Erosion Risk - High erosion hazard

Future Erosion Risk (Worst Case) - Low erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Worst Case) - Moderate erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Worst Case) - Very high erosion risk

Current Erosion Risk - Low erosion hazard

Current Erosion Risk - Moderate erosion hazard

Future Erosion Risk (Worst Case) - High erosion risk

Future Erosion Risk (Best Case) - Low erosion risk

Current Erosion Risk - Very high erosion hazard

Future Erosion Risk (Worst Case) - Very low erosion risk

Current Erosion Risk - Very low erosion hazard

Airport Overlays

These overlays identifies areas that may be impacted by the operation of a nearby airport or airfield. This includes but is not limited to noise and flight restrictions caused by the operations of an airport.

Source data does not indicate any airport overlays. Please make further enquiries.

Development Overlays

These overlays identify areas where some development restrictions may apply.

Source data does not indicate any development overlays. Please make further enquiries.


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Property Data through Brisbane City Council under CC BY 4.0 License

In consideration of the Council permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the Council gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

School Data through Queensland Government Open Data Portal under CC BY 4.0 License

Data from City of Gold Coast under CC BY 4.0 License

Data from Moreton Bay Regional Council under CC BY 4.0 License

Data from Sunshine Coast Council under CC BY 3.0 License

Data from City of Logan under CC BY 3.0 License

Noosa Shire Council waives the requirements of attribution under this licence, for this data.

© Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2009 to present, unless otherwise indicated. This material was downloaded from the ACARA website (www.acara.edu.au) (Website) (accessed [01st December 2022]) and was not modified. The material is licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). ACARA does not endorse any product that uses ACARA material or make any representations as to the quality of such products. Any product that uses material published on this website should not be taken to be affiliated with ACARA or have the sponsorship or approval of ACARA. It is up to each person to make their own assessment of the product.

© Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2009 to present, unless otherwise indicated. This material was downloaded from the ACARA website (www.acara.edu.au) (Website) (accessed [01st December 2022]) and was not modified. The material is licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). ACARA does not endorse any product that uses ACARA material or make any representations as to the quality of such products. Any product that uses material published on this website should not be taken to be affiliated with ACARA or have the sponsorship or approval of ACARA. It is up to each person to make their own assessment of the product.

© State Government of NSW and Department of Planning and Environment 2018

Data from the State of Victoria Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action under CC BY 4.0 License

Urban Area Boundaries Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @ naturalearthdata.com

OSM Base Data © OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database License https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright

OSM Ocean Data © OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database License https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright

World Elevation Data from NASA NASA JPL (2013). NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 1 arc second [Data set]. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC. Accessed 2022-12-07 from https://doi.org/10.5067/MEaSUREs/SRTM/SRTMGL1.003

© State of New South Wales (Spatial Services, a business unit of the Department of Customer Service NSW). For current information go to spatial.nsw.gov.au.

Cadastral Data through Queensland Government Open Data Portal under CC BY 4.0 License

Cadastral Data through Victorian Government Open Data Portal under CC BY 4.0 License

Cadastral Data through Adelaide City Council Open Data Portal under CC BY 4.0 License

Cadastral Lots from theLIST © State of Tasmania

Cadastral Data from ACTmapi © Australian Capital Territory.

Incorporates or developed using G-NAF Core © Geoscape Australia [2022] Copyright and Disclaimer Notice. Licensed by Geoscape Australia under the Open G-NAF Core End User Licence Agreement.

School Zones through NSW Government Open Data Portal under CC BY 4.0 License

School Zones through South Australia Government Open Data Portal under CC BY 4.0 License

School Priority Enrolment Zones from ACTmapi © Australian Capital Territory.

School Zones through Victorian Government Open Data Portal under CC BY 4.0 License